Thursday, February 26, 2009

NY Times Newswire API for Developers

If you didn't know what Times Newswire API is, it time to correct that -

Here is the official FAQ -


1. What are the Times APIs?
Our APIs (application programming interfaces) allow you to programmatically access New York Times data for use in your own applications. Our goal is to facilitate a wide range of uses, from custom link lists to complex visualizations. Why just read the news when you can hack it?

2. What's the intended audience for your APIs?
We've designed our APIs for the web developer community, but all noncommercial users are welcome. See our Terms of Use for more information.

3. Why are you offering APIs?
Like many organizations, we hope to encourage innovation through collaboration. When you build applications, create mashups and otherwise reveal the potential of our data, we learn more about what our readers want and gain insight into how news and information can be reimagined. We're hoping you'll show us what's next for The Times.

But we also have a simpler, more compelling reason: journalism. To inform the public or tell a story, we use articles, photos, videos, interactive graphics, slideshows and more. Data has always been the primary force behind those features, and now it can become a feature in its own right. Our APIs help us fulfill the newspaper's journalistic mission by putting more information in the hands of the public — and they also expand that mission by giving users the ability to find and tell their own stories.

4. What kinds of data can I access with Times APIs?
Please see our APIs page for the current list of available APIs. We're planning to release new APIs regularly, so check back often or subscribe to the Times Developer Network newsletter.

5. How do I use the Times APIs?
Our APIs use a RESTful style and a resource-oriented architecture. Calls are made via HTTP requests (at a minimum, the GET method will be available; specific APIs may implement other methods). Your request URIs should be patterned after the examples in the API documentation, and you should always include your API key in a query string. See the documentation for each API for more details on request parameters and URI structure.

6. Why can't I access all content?
For each set of data we open up to the developer community, we have to consider a host of issues, ranging from load balancing to copyright law. We will gradually release more and more data as we continue to develop APIs. If you have ideas for our APIs or are hoping to get access to a specific kind of data, contact us.

7. Why do I have to register for a key to use your APIs?
Key registration allows us to monitor usage levels and ensure that developers are complying with our Terms of Use. We respect your privacy and will not share your registration information with third parties.

8. Do I have to agree to your Terms of Use just to test an API?
Our Terms of Use apply to all uses of our APIs. Please agree to the terms before testing or using an API.

9. Can I use your APIs commercially?
Our APIs are for noncommercial use only, with the exception of the Campaign Finance API. For details, see our Terms of Use and the Terms of Use for the Campaign Finance API.

10. What do you mean by "commercial purposes"?
Here are a few examples of what we consider commercial purposes:

1. Selling New York Times content or data in any application.
2. Charging a subscription fee for any New York Times content or data.
3. Selling any application built with one of our APIs.

If you are making more than 5,000 calls per day (via an application or any other method) to an individual API, we will notice that and assume you're using our API for a commercial purpose. Please contact us if you have hit that limit but do not think you are using the API for a commercial purpose.

If you aren't sure whether your plans constitute "commercial purposes," or if you want to discuss licensing arrangements, please contact us at code [at]

11. Is there an API call limit?
When you register for an API key, you'll receive information about limits and other Terms of Use. If you approach a limit, a warning e-mail will automatically be sent to you.

12. What response formats do you support?
Data is returned in JSON (default) and XML. Specific APIs may also return other formats. See the documentation for each API for more details.

13. Can I make suggestions for future development?
Yes, please! Post your ideas and requests in the forum.


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